Infrastructure Office


It is responsible for improving the physical structure of the University, through planning, programming, project development and execution of the works and buildings that are required, in order to conserve, rehabilitate and expand the physical plant of the University Campuses and of the buildings owned and operated by the University.

Architect Luis Palacios Campos

Infrastructure Head

Telephones: 5554834000 ext. 1467 and 1470

Arq. Luis Palacios Campos

Biographical Note

He is an architect-engineer from the National Polytechnic Institute. He has professional experience in the development of projects, as well as in construction management and direction for corporate offices, shopping centers, hotels, infrastructure, and major and preventive maintenance.

His commitment and responsibility in carrying out the activities under his charge have allowed him to efficiently achieve his objectives in the Office of the Republic Attorney General, the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic, the Federal Judiciary Council, the air sub-base in the free highway to Toluca de Cuajimalpa, in Mexico City, and in the department stores of El Palacio de Hierro in Santa Fe and Perisur, among other instances.

Likewise, in the missions assigned to the Criminal Justice Centers of the Judicial Power of the Federation in Villahermosa, Tabasco and Veracruz; the international border bridge of the Rio Bravo, in Tamaulipas, and the Bicentennial Ecological Park, on the grounds of the former March 18 Refinery, in Mexico City, Palacios Campos displayed his leadership skills, management and direction of personnel and resolution of conflicts.

With studies in Total Quality Systems, Integral Quality, Management Skills and Human and Organizational Development - acquired in the Continuing Education Division of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, he has shown his technical capacity in project planning and programming, with the purpose to grow, together with the organizations, and teamwork.


Contributing to the improvement of the physical infrastructure of the University, through planning, programming, project preparation and execution of the building works required by UAM.


Carrying out the necessary administrative activities to expand, conserve and update the physical infrastructure at UAM, making the best use of human, financial and patrimonial resources, within the current regulations.


To be the instance of operational support of the General Secretariat, responsible for materializing the institutional plans and objectives of growth and development of physical infrastructure at UAM, as well as its conservation, with an avant-garde and self-sustaining approach.

Infrastructure Planning Adjunct Office

Mtro. in Arch. Luis A. Torres Baeza

Ext: 1321


Plan the construction and maintenance of the physical infrastructure of the University, with the perspective of meeting the growth and development needs of the user areas.

Infrastructure Projects Adjunct Office

Dr. Salvador Cisneros Montes

Ext: 1455


Prepare Executive Projects that include Architecture, Structural and Installation Engineering, for new buildings or remodeling of existing ones, based on the requirements of the University Campuses.

Infrastructure Administration Adjunct Office

Arch. Antonia Castillo Herrera

Ext: 1325


Collaborate with the adequate development of the physical infrastructure at UAM, through the administrative control of the works that are carried out, in accordance with the applicable regulations

Infrastructure Adjunct Office

Engineer Víctor Abel Torres Fernández

Ext: 1469


Coordinating and monitoring that the development of the works in the legal, technical, administrative and financial aspects is carried out in accordance with current regulations.

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