Access Protocol

Access to facilities

An agile access will be established for the university community in which antibacterial gel will be applied and it will be verified that they wear the mask properly, if necessary, they will be requested to present identification.

Likewise, a record of entrances and exits will be kept, in the pedestrian, vehicular and service accesses of those who provide, provide services or visit the facilities.

Sanitary protocol of the Metropolitan Autonomous University before COVID-19.

Sanitary measures to be observed by people who attend university facilities.

Every person who enters UAM facilities must comply with the following instructions:

  • Wear a mask with the recommended specifications and apply 70% alcohol-based antibacterial gel to their hands.
  • Use a face mask within the university facilities in a mandatory and correct way (covering the nose and mouth), as well as other protective items, when required.
  • Wash their hands frequently with soap and water or use antibacterial gel and avoid touching their face (eyes, nose, and mouth).
  • Avoid crowds, especially in closed spaces, taking care regarding the capacity determined for the use of university spaces.
  • Respect the distribution and use of furniture, as well as the capacity indicated for each space.
  • Perform etiquette sneezing (cover nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing with a handkerchief or in the inner corner of the arm).
  • Avoid physical contact greetings.
  • Correctly manage health care waste such as face masks, handkerchiefs and other accessories used as a barrier to reduce the chances of contagion, disposing them in the specific containers for this purpose or in those for non-recyclable waste to be discarded.
  • Follow the signs placed in the facilities, which are related to distancing and capacity in specific places.
  • Follow the instructions of the Medical Service, particularly when there is suspicion of contagion. If it is positive or in case of suspicion, what is indicated in the section Actions against suspected contagion, positive case and work or student contact, of this same Guide, will be implemented.

The university community must remain informed regarding the sanitary measures issued by the competent authorities, in accordance with the location of the General Rectorate or the Academic Campus to which it belongs and be attentive to the specific provisions that are published in the official media of communication. the UAM.

Guide for the return to face-to-face activities at the Autonomous Metropolitan University.