Institutional Information General Coordination


The Institutional Information General Coordination (CGII in Spanish) is responsible for the administration of the information systems made up of the management support documentation; academic and administrative computing systems; the admission processes for Undergraduate and Graduate; school registration; the integration of programming and institutional budgeting; as well as regarding scholarships. Its activities are organized under the direct line of command of the head of the General Secretariat, to support the achievement of institutional objectives, in accordance with the express powers and applicable regulations.

It is made up of the Analysis and Institutional Follow-up; School Systems; Planning; Information Technologies Departments and the Admission, Scholarships, and Postgraduate Offices.

Dr. Alfonso Mauricio Sales Cruz

Institutional Information General Coordinator

Telephones: 5554834025 (direct); 5554834000 ext. 1582 and 1583

Director Alfonso Mauricio Salas Cruz

Biographical Note

This person holds a Doctor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering by Denmark’s Technical University, a Master’s in Chemical Engineering by the Metropolitan Autonomous University, Iztapalapa Campus, and a Chemistry Engineering Puebla’s Autonomous University.

He started working at UAM as a visiting professor at the Processes and Technology Department from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Division (DCNI in Spanish) at the Cuajimalpa Campus. He has been a member of the Department as a Researcher-Professor since 2007. He was appointed Head of Department from 2009 to 2013, later, as Head of DCNI from 2017 to 2021. He was appointed Campus Secretary from 2016 to 2017.

He worked as a Research Assistant at the Chemical Engineering Department at Denmark’s Technological University from 2005 to 2006, Visiting Researcher at the Chemical Engineering and Material Department at Cagliari University in 2000, Project Researcher (2000-2001) and Assistant Professor (1993-1996) at UAM Iztapalapa Campus, and as a Researcher at the Handcrafts Promotion National Fund from 1996 to 2000. He has had short research stays at the Catholic North University and Antofagasta University (2013, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022), Denmark’s Technological University (2014-2015) and at Johor Bahru Malasia Technological University (2015-2016)

He has taught some subjects and lead dissertations at Undergraduate and Graduate Levels at UAM Azcapotzalco, Cuajimalpa and Iztapalapa Campi, Valle de México University, Denmark’s Technological University, Veracruz University, Puebla’s Autonomous University and San Luis Potosi’s University.

He has been in charge and contributed to twelve sponsored research projects, at the Lignocellulosic Biofuels Cluster for the autotransport sector and the ProBioRefine Academic Net in which researcher from UAM (Mexico), DTU (Denmark. The Science and Technology Advanced Institutte (Korea) Graz Technological University (Austria), Auburn University (USA), Tsinghua University (China), Chulalongkorn University (Thailand) and Rio de Janeiro’s Federal University (Brazil) take part.

As a result of his academic production, he has led 8 PhD, 3 MA, and 6 BA dissertations, published 57 research articles in different indexed journals, and 12 book chapters. He has presented his research results in 36 national and international congresses and published 62 memories (27 international and 35 national). Has been invited to dictate 22 lectures in national and international institutions.

Besides his university management, he has also been a member of the Academic College, Academic Council, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Divisional Council as well as part of the Biological Engineering Curriculum and Syllabi Review Commissions.

Among several awards he has received, the following can be mentioned: One of the Top Reviewers for Computers and Chemical Engineering, awarded by ELSEVIER (2012-2013), Chemical Engineering Research and Design – Most cited author 2006-2009 for his article: R. Gani & M. Sales-Cruz (2006) Computer-aided modeling of short-path evaporation for chemical product purification, analysis and design, Chem.Eng. Res.&Des. 84 (7A) 583-594, 2001 University Achievement Award for his Master’s Degree at UAM Iztapalapa, and the Who’s Who in Science and Technology, awarded by Marquis Publishing in 2006. He has been a member of the National Researchers System since 2008, currently, he is at level II; he is also part of the Bioprocesses, modeling and simulation Systems Engineering Consolidated Academic Body, and he fulfills the PRODEP Profile since 2007.


Timely and efficiently attending the administration of information systems, by coordinating the integration and operation of management support instruments, programming and budgeting, school registration, admission, scholarships and graduate courses through the operation and development of information technologies. necessary information and communication in the academic and administrative activities carried out at the University and its interaction with external entities, in order to strengthen the university planning and management processes that contribute to the national and international presence of the Institution.


Providing the different university dependencies, academic areas and external entities, updated, relevant, reliable, objective and accurate information on the processes that the CGII is in charge of, guaranteeing the security of the information and the protection of personal data, in order to contribute to generating a scenario of transparency that favors the articulation with the public and private sectors and increases the national and international presence of the University.


To be the strategic administrator of institutional information and interconnectivity services committed to the protection of personal data and the security of information and infrastructure, focused on meeting the needs of the various users through an attitude of collaborative service and close work, to ensure timely access of users to information, guaranteeing relevance, reliability, objectivity, certainty, updating and transparency.

Analysis, Follow-up and Academic Support Office

Dr. José Javier Valencia López

Ext: 1929


Analysis and institutional diagnosis of the University from a comprehensive perspective, through the collection and processing of information; elaboration, modification and monitoring of institutional indicators and goals, which articulate the evaluation of the substantive functions, as well as the formulation of proposals and recommendations that support the design and implementation of institutional policies that guarantee synergy, communication and collaboration between different organizational management areas of the academic campuses and the General Rectorate.

Planning Office

Otto Bazán Lugo, M.A.

Ext: 1601


Efficiently carrying out the process of preparing and monitoring the University's budget; timely and adequately integrate and prepare institutional statistics and reports to internal and external users and effectively manage institutional projects.

School Systems Office

Rosalia Serrano de la Paz, M.A.

Ext: 1638


Managing the institutional information system of students academic-school trajectory, which integrates the registration, update and operation of the processes of the school administration; providing service and support to administrative bodies, instances and areas within the framework of applicable regulations, in order to meet institutional information requirements and those requested by government agencies and the private sector, based on security principles, agility, veracity, certainty and opportunity.

Information Technologies Office

Engineer Braulio Alberto Cusi Lara

Ext: 1654


Cover the needs related to information and communication technologies (ICT) of the University, through UAM’s Comprehensive Information System (SIIUAM, Spanish), as well as telephony, videoconferences, equipment and other complementary applications.

Admission Adjunct Office

Verónica Sosa Estrada, M.A.

Ext: 1618


Coordinating the admission process of applicants at the Bachelor's level in methodological, logistical and operational aspects; promoting and disseminating the institutional educational offer, as well as generating systematic and reliable information to be used in the registration processes, through collaborative work with the corresponding university campuses, which guarantees objectivity and transparency in the selection of applicants.

Scholarships Adjunct Office

Rocío Georgina Hernández Solís, B.A.

Ext: 1589


Managing the resources of the scholarship projects at UAM and thus contribute to ensuring greater coverage, inclusion and educational equity, favoring the graduation of scholarship holders and reducing school dropout levels of young people who attend higher educational level.

Graduate Programs Adjunct Office

Maria Cristina Samperio Rivera, M.A.

Ext: 1713


Ensuring the integration of the research and teaching information from the Graduate programs that the University has, through collaborative work with the Graduate Studies coordinators, in order to cover the requirements of “CONACyT” to respond in a timely and satisfactory manner. to the evaluations to achieve their incorporation or permanence in the SNP (previously PNPC. Spanish).