This Office is in charge of consolidating knowledge communication from UAM’s General Rectorate; strengthening its dissemination to federal authorities. IES, productive sector and citizens. Furthermore, it communicates UAM’s research, education, and social impact, generates knowledge communication actions among different university areas and campuses so that knowledge communication becomes an innovative interdisciplinary activity.
Objectives achievement will be based on six axes/aspects:
• Sense of belonging and university identity generation, considering all the communities that are part of UAM.
• Prepare bidirectional communication channels between the university and the citizens.
• Consolidate the existing relationships and create new ones with external instance.
• Youth and institutional projection.
• Attract surrounding communities to the University Campus.
• Promote critical thinking and audiovisual communication.
The main benefits planned to be obtained are: Consolidate university interaction with federal offices, IES, the productive sector, and the citizens. Consolidate university community’s sense of belonging. Strengthen social networks in the university. Consolidate General Rectorate areas creation. Get concurrent resources. Position UAM as a national referent in knowledge communication. Optimize the use of resources.