Research Support Office


The Research Support Office (DAI, in Spanish) is responsible for directing institutional actions to support and strengthen the organization and development of humanistic, artistic, scientific, and technological research.

The DAI develops and implements strategies to systematize relevant research information; promotes new organizational models; articulates research activities that promote the collaborative work of the academic community; and promote the shared use of resources and infrastructure.

Through an accessible and up-to-date platform for institutional research, the DAI offers access to relevant academic information on faculty and their research work. Likewise, it is responsible for the academic management of the Research Programs supported by the General Rectorate, through the Academic Campuses.

Dr. Rafael Bojalil Parra

Head of Research Support Office

Telephones: 5554834000 ext. 1883

Dr. Rafael Bojalil Parra

Biographical Note

Doctor Rafael Bojalil is a Mexican physician and researcher specializing in immunology and biomedicine. He studied Medicine at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) Xochimilco Campus, and holds a Master's and Ph.D. in Basic Biomedical Research from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). He is a member of the National System of Researchers, the National Academy of Medicine of Mexico, and the Mexican Academy of Sciences.

He has also conducted research in collaboration with the National Institute of Cardiology. He has worked as Head of the Department of Immunology of the Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez, Deputy Director of Planning and Evaluation of CONACyT, and in charge of the Department of Health Care (DAS) of the UAM Xochimilco Campus. He is Full Research Professor Level C in that Department and Director of Research Support at UAM.

In recent years, he has researched inflammation in chronic degenerative diseases, specifically in heart and autoimmune diseases. Some of his lines of research are:

• Inflammation in chronic degenerative diseases, specifically in heart disease and autoimmune diseases.

• The effectiveness and safety of myocardial revascularization by extracorporeal shock waves in patients with refractory angina pectoris and heart failure.

• The immune response to Covid-19 and its complications.

He has also worked on sepsis, autoimmune diseases, coronary artery disease, aortic valve disease, heart failure, and neurodevelopmental immunology. He has graduated more than ten doctors of science; most of them have reached levels II and III of the National System of Researchers. His publications have more than 1900 citations, and he is a privileged observer of how the Covid-19 phenomenon has affected us due to his training and career as an immunologist.


Directing actions that support the development and projection of humanistic, artistic, scientific and technological research in coordination with the academic community of the University; proposing the updating of institutional policies and new ways of organizing research; and offering access to information about the teaching staff and their research work.


Strategically supporting the organization and development of research, as well as promoting the collaborative work of the academic community, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and the visibility of the university.


To stand out for efficiently supporting and promoting research in all areas of knowledge, through joint work with the teaching staff and leading research groups, in order to position the University as a benchmark at a national and international level and with a strong commitment to society and its productive environment.