Dissemination General Coordination


Understanding culture as a transforming and key element in the construction of individual and collective identities of citizenship and participation, the Dissemination General Coordination underlines the obligation to evolve according to the new habits and platforms of production, management and cultural consumption linked to the technological environments, which requires responding flexibly and in a timely manner, based on coordinated and collaborative work with the different university campuses and other social actors, in the design and implementation of programs and projects that promote the preservation and dissemination of culture, science, creation and the humanities from research, teaching, and the expression of contemporary content, generating content and experiences that encourage reflection and the construction of critical, informed and multicultural thinking necessary in current socioeconomic contexts. It develops its work under the criteria of creating multidisciplinary, inter-campus, and inter-institutional projects that invite the university community and society in general to participate and collaborate critically and thoughtfully on relevant issues that directly affect society.

It is made up of the Academic and Cultural Departments, and Publications and editorial promotion.

Dr. Yissel Arce Padrón

Dissemination General Coordinator

Telephones: 555603-2131 (direct); 5554834000 ext. 1500 and 1501
Email: yarcepadron@correo.uam.mx

Dra. Yissel Arce Padrón

Biographical Note

Master and Doctor in Asian and African Studies, with a specialty in Africa, from the Center for Asian and African Studies of “El Colegio de México”; she graduated in History of Art at the University of Havana. She is a member of the National System of Researchers (level 1). In her native Cuba, she received the Guy Pérez Cisneros National Prize for Art Criticism (2001).

Since 2009, she has taught classes in the Bachelor of Social Communication, the Graduate Program in Communication and Politics, and the Doctorate in Humanities at the Xochimilco Unit.

Her experience in university management and participation includes her collaboration in the Academic Commission of the Doctorate in Humanities; in the Academic Commission of the Master's Degree in Communication and Politics; and in the Academic Evaluation Commission of the Announcements for the Academic Development of the General Rectorate of the same university. She coordinated the Line of Cultural Studies and Postcolonial Criticism of the Doctorate in Humanities and was head of the Basic and Transdisciplinary Research Area in Social Sciences of the Education and Communication Department.

She has directed 42 postgraduate theses and 57 final undergraduate projects; published more than 53 research articles in books and national and foreign university magazines; participated as a speaker and moderator in 86 congresses and forums; as well as given 37 conferences in various meetings. She was director of the magazine “Versión. Estudios de Comunicación y Política”; editor of the “Artecubano” Magazine and the Cuban Art News tabloid, both published by the National Council of Plastic Arts of Cuba; She also participates in the arbitration of material submitted to magazines and specialized publications of the Ibero-American Universities, Murcia, Madrid, El Colegio de México, UNAM and “La Casa Abierta al Tiempo” itself. Among her lines of research, the relations between art and politics stand out; racial conflicts, nation, and difference in contemporary audiovisual practices; cinema and power relations; cultural studies and postcolonial epistemologies.


Being the university unit specialized in the dissemination of cultural, research and humanistic content generated at the University in various formats (editorial production, audiovisual, forums, festivals, stage activities, exhibitions, among others); responsible for promoting, designing, managing and promoting activities that link culture, sciences, arts and humanities with the university community and society in general, based on collaborative work with university campuses and other institutions with the aim to preserve and strengthen the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the University that contribute to an improvement in social welfare.


Designing and disseminating innovative programs and projects that promote the preservation and dissemination of culture from the university environment to society as a whole, through the generation of inclusive, democratic and transparent collaborative environments that integrate art, culture, science and the humanities as fundamental elements of critical thinking, promoting the recognition of these fields as the vital factor for social welfare.


To be a fundamental actor in the positioning of the University as a benchmark in the multicultural, national and international panorama, through the dissemination of culture, science, the humanities and the arts, as well as the generation of knowledge as factors of social change, driven by the innovation in the processes of cultural creation and dissemination with proposals that respond to the new social paradigms, positioning the University as a key figure in the country's cultural development.

Academic and Cultural Office

David Sánchez Kidwell M.A.


Ext: 1507


Promoting the integration of the University’s academic life with the artistic, scientific and cultural dissemination programs of the Dissemination General Coordination, the University Campuses, the Research Support, and Communication of Knowledge Coordinations, as well as the centers for academic and cultural dissemination, to establish creative lines of collaboration and linkage consistent with the needs and academic objectives of the University.

Publications and Editorial Promotion Office

Dr. Freja Ininna Cervantes Becerril


Ext: 1540 and 1541


Directing and coordinating the publication and dissemination activities of the editorial production that is promoted in the General Rectorate and those that are carried out in collaboration with the various University Campuses, with the aim of positioning the University as a source of relevant editorial production for the academic world and society in general.